5 Tips for Finding True Love:

A fairy Tale Maiden’s Guide
Hans My Hedgehog is a fairy tale about a girl who finds her true love because she keeps a promise to marry a beast. While working on this story I got to wondering how common that is for your average fairy tale maiden. So I called in an expert.
Let me introduce you to our guest blogger Mrs. Alabaster Daisy.

Mrs. Daisy has been studying the residents of the enchanted forest for some years now. She has a FTB (Fairy Tale Bachelors) in the Habits of the Fairy Tale World, and has been featured in Forest Fairy Daily sharing her expert tips on life in a magical land. She’s here today to share with the ladies her tips for romance. Take it away Alabaster!
True Love
True Love’s kiss is the best way to find your love. However, not every maiden wants to wander about kissing frogs hoping for the best. (Or should I say hopping for the best? Sometimes I crack myself up!) There are other useful ways for a lady to know she’s found it. Why I myself met my true love after falling to my doom from the top of a mountain of doom right into his arms. Don’t miss your chances at “hoppiness” by not knowing what they are.

Good luck on your journey to love ladies.
Thanks Alabaster! I know our readers will find that advice very helpful, and I hope we can host you as a guest in the future.